Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 11:13:58 +0100
From: "John Ward" <>
Subject: [Tango-L] Salvaging corrupt DVDs
To: "Tangolist" <>
Sorry to go a bit off-topic: my excuse is that it is a dance programme on the DVD I want to retrieve.
I recorded a programme from the TV onto DVD+RW. It won't play on any DVD player, or on Power DVD, but Windows Explorer reveals a number of 1 gigabyte VOB files that WILL play individually on the PC, but not as a complete thing.
There are also a number of tiny BUP and IFO files that presumbably control the playing of these big files, and one or more is corrupt. Has anybody any ideas, or can anyone point me towards a site that might help?
Thank you.
John Ward
Bristol, UK
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