3049  sightseeing in Portland


Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 14:59:15 +0000
From: Jay Rabe <jayrabe@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: sightseeing in Portland


Looking forwrad to meeting you at ValenTango.

I think sightseeing, like so many other things in Life, is like Tango, and
the experience has to be customized to accomodate the follower/"seer".

Do you like architechture, landmarks, old houses, natural wonders, what?

The one thing I'd recommend, though, is if it is cold enough this year, our
local world-class waterfall, Multnomah Falls (620' high), about 45 minutes
east of Portland depending on traffic and weather, will be stunningly
encrusted in ice. Not to be missed.


Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 11:22:28 -0500
From: ed doyle <doyleed@SPRYNET.COM>
Subject: Re: sightseeing in Portland

Ah Michael,

What a wonderful experience you have in front of you. Portland is
simply fantastic.

My wife and I visited Portland for the first time last October for the
TangoFest. The people, the city, the dancers were so nice that we
stayed a while and then bought a house there and will be moving there in
April. You will love it.

Depending on where you are coming from, you may find the weather this
time of year a bit wet, but with the proper clothing, this is no
problem. There are so many places to dance and the dancers are so
helpful and understanding. My wife and I are just beginners, but
literally everyone we approached helped and encouraged us. Anything Clay
organizes is top notch. Portland has fantastic transportation - rail,
trolley, buses - much of it is free down town. It is safe, clean, and
as Jay wrote, simply fantastic scenery. The falls he mentions is just
unbelievable, as is the whole Columbia river.

Be sure to go to Robert Hauk's Bosanova on Burnside. I know you are way
way past me in dancing tango, but Robert has beginner lessons on Monday
at 7:00. From reading your postings on tango-l, you certainly don't
need the lessons, but perhaps you can 'give back' to the beginners some
of what someone must have given you some time back.

Anyway - have a wonderful visit to Portland as I know you will.

Ed Doyle

On Tue, 2004-12-21 at 09:59, Jay Rabe wrote:

> Michael,
> Looking forwrad to meeting you at ValenTango.
> I think sightseeing, like so many other things in Life, is like Tango, and
> the experience has to be customized to accomodate the follower/"seer".
> :-)
> Do you like architechture, landmarks, old houses, natural wonders, what?
> The one thing I'd recommend, though, is if it is cold enough this year, our
> local world-class waterfall, Multnomah Falls (620' high), about 45 minutes
> east of Portland depending on traffic and weather, will be stunningly
> encrusted in ice. Not to be missed.
> J

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