2724  Tango-L : Susana Miller


Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004 11:33:47 -0700
From: chicagomilonguero <chicagomilonguero@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Tango-L : Susana Miller

I just wanted to put this posting up to say that I agree 100% with the statements Carlos Rojas made about Susana Miller. There may be cultural differences but I do believe she has interest in her students and in making them better dancers.

Additionally, I can say that I have a high level of respect for Susana's teaching ability. I took her workshops for the first time in May in Cincinnati and in June in Washington D.C. I can truly say that she took my dancing to a different level. One thing that I noticed about Susana's teaching, especially in D.C., was that the participants were better dancers at the end of the workshops.

I am not saying that Susana is an easy teacher but that is her teaching style. She was especially tough on the men in Cincinnati. But you either like her or you don't. I did not take her classes because of her personality - I took her classes because she was recommended to me by someone in Chicago who felt that she could help my tango dancing. The person was absolutely right. I would not have flown out to DC after taking the workshops in Cincinnati if I did not feel that way.

I personally will continue to take Susana Miller workshops whether they be here in the states or in Buenos Aires. I think it should be up to each individual to judge for themselves whether she can help them with their dance or not.

On my way to Denver.

Take care,

Ray Barbosa

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