Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 16:46:20 -0700
From: david stevens <dmfstevenstango@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Tango lyrics in English & Spanish,and singing tango
One of my main interests is the lyrics of
cetera!!),finding English translations,translating
those which I like which have no English translations
available,and also singing tangos(which ,of course
,involves knowing the music by heart!!). I would be
very grateful to hear from others who have a similar
interest. Personally I feel that there is more to
tango than just the dance,and to learn the lyrics,and
know the music by heart helps me to appreciate better
the tango as a dance,adds a little "frisson" to a
tango when I dance to one which I know by heart,and
makes the tango "culture" so much more interesting and
accessible. Anyone seriously interested can contact me
(away from the tango-l list!!) personally at ...hoping to hear from you.
I have a number of translations which I would be happy
to share / post on tango-l : Lilian / Clavel del aire
/ Lo han visto con otra / Golondrinas / Lo que nunca
te diran / Manana,si Dios quiere... / El ultimo cafe /
Cafe para dos / Te odio . I am currently working on
translating Yuyo verde / En la buena y en la mala /
Que nunca me falte / El divorcio. I wouild welcome
hearing from anyone who already has translations of
any of the above,and would be willing to share them
with me. !Escriba me! !Chau! David.
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