Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 16:08:10 -0700
From: LOURDES YLAGAN <tanguera1968@YAHOO.COM>

I have to respond to some of the comments that I have read recently regarding some of the ways women"aggressively ask" men to dance which results in the avoidance of dance by the latter.

WOMEN... we have to do what's called "subtle aggression". So here's a few tips that has worked for me on how to get those dances without having to HOUND the guy...

Tip No. 1 If you don't know his name, call him any name... anything will do like Brad, Leonardo, Tiger, Donald (get the idea?). He will usually try and correct you and give you his name and hands to introduce himself. From then on, it's up to you.....

Tip No. 2 If you've been to milongas everywhere (I mean----EVERYWHERE), start with like, "Haven't I danced with you at ________( make it up). Does it matter whether you've actually danced with him or if you have? No.

Tip No. 3 If you know the guy, but haven't seen him a while, ask him about his past lover (if you know who she is). This way you have the upper hand. One, you found out if he's still with her. And two, if she's not there (at the milonga), you get to borrow him for a dance or two!

Tip No. 4 If he's your friend and he's giving you the cold shoulder because "he's just your friend", tell him "his tie looks particularly sexy on him tonight". If he's not wearing a tie, his bowtie......No never mind....He's just your friend.

Tip No. 5 If he's your friend's friend. ASK for assistance. There's one good thing about US. We know when to ask for directions and when to ask for help.

Tip No. 6 If he's a particularly good dancer and you don't think you're particularly that good (compared to him). Not the same league anyway. Try and meet his gaze. NOW, this is difficult to do if you're still dancing with another partner. We wouldn't want to make current partner feel like we're not paying any attention here..... so sit down and wait until he comes around---could be a long wait if you're in a milonga the size of Dance Manhattan or Stepping out and the music is a very slow Tango...

Tip No. 7 If he's a teacher and you haven't taken his class. Ask him "What can he teach you in his class that noone else has taught?" (you have to make that question sound a bit alluring--batching a eyelash or two would help). He would either start teaching you right there (DEMO like) or he would try and dance with you so you will take his class!! Yippee!!

Tip No. 8 If he's talking to his friend and the friend won't stop talking (haven't we all been in this situation?). Don't just go up there and ask "Aren't you guys dancing?" (that's annoying). If the room is small and he's got a full view of you, smile at him. Hey, while you're at it, smile at his friend, too!

Tip No. 9 If he's a DJ and keeps saying "I gotta go fix the next tanda" (lame excuse). Just stand there where he left you. If he comes back, great!!! If he doesn't and acts like nothing happened......It's time to move on....

Tip No. 10 If he's very new to Tango like a little tiny Bambino....Ask him if he'd like to try a few steps with you. One day, he may actually interpret Tango like noone else has ever done before. Wouldn't it be nice to think, You've dance with that guy!?!

So there....stop complaining and happy dancing..........................LOURDES, St. Louis

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