4223  Trini's comment


Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 06:50:32 -0400
From: andrea <ako31@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Trini's comment
To: tango-l@mit.edu


thank you so much for this comment:

" Have you ever danced with someone in the traditional
embrace who just wasn't with you? Maybe he/she was
more interested in the steps or his/her mind was
elsewhere. Did you perhaps feel that you just weren't
doing tango with that person?

Sometimes late in the milonga, Sean & I will give each
other that "come hither and dance" look, in which we
saunter toward each other and dance flirtatiously
without an embrace. There is no doubt that we are
doing tango. "

for all the yakking and analyzing and criticizing and judging of each
other's ideas about tango...several of the leaders on this list who
have dominated the conversation do the same on the dance floor. they
are "more interested in the steps or their mind is elsewhere". in nyc
we call them "ups-ers" they are more concerned with their own technique
and figures than the music and their partner. they relate to followers
like UPS delivery persons, pushing them like cartons around the dance

there is a buddhist saying "how a person does one thing, they usually
do everything".

a n d r e a

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