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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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2626  Vamos a rei'rnos en serio Cecilia (en castellano) (2)
Cecilia, Ahora voy a sujetarte a mi castellano defectuoso. Sabes, en estas cosas de humor, y creeme, lo se' hasta por experiencia propia, hay que tener cuidado, porque a veces el hechizo se vuelve contra...

2627  Discrimination (3)
Cecilia and dear list: Discrimination with non-Argentineans dancing tango. Well, I could write a lot about that. I am originally from Brazil and moved to Bs As in = 1992. When tango was not so fashion...

Carlos, tu castellano es claro. Lo que no entendistes fue el chiste. Marcela trato de defender la descalificacion que hizo otra persona del valor y conocimientos de un docente formado en argentina por...

2629  Vamos a rei'rnos en serio Carlos Lima & Cecilia (en castellano) (14)
Don Carlos Lima, 1- Tienes razon que el tango no le pertenece solo a los Argentinos nada mas, (acordate adonde murio Gardel) como el basketball no le pertenecen a los gringos, incluso el "dream team"...

2630  Forever or 15 years, whichever comes up first (2)
Dear List I have been holding on to this because the archive (my only route FROM Tango-L) seemed to have been mostly out to lunch lately. Will see what happens. Perhaps not altogether too late. I went...

2631  Forever Tango (9)
Dear friends from Tango List The excellent comment from Carlos Lima about this new show of Forever Tango, may be linked to other postings concerning what happens with local people in Argentina and... Rick wrote: If only it were so. If you get the two CD soundtrackj of Forever Tango, Dear Steve, You are right. Wonderful music and dancing

2632  Tango in Mexico (4)
Dear Listeros, Al and I are happy to announce that we have begun teaching tango in Puerto Vallarta. We are teaching at the municipal Centro Cultural Cuale, and have a lovely class well-balanced in terms...

2633  Pictures from Missouri Meet in the Middle Tango Party (2)
Dear List, For those who couldn't be there, for those new partners we met, for those old friends we danced with again, and especially for Karen Whitesell and her crew, we've posted some pictures from...

2634  need advice about Montreal (1)
Dear Montreal Tango Dancers, My apologies to the rest of the world to include you in my query, but I will be in Montreal 22-26 August (Sunday until Thursday). Can someone please recommend: A. the best...

2635  Vamos a rei'rnos en serio Carlos Lima & Cecilia & Pablo (en castellano) (1)
Pablo, Yo estoy de acuerdo contigo de que hay muchos bailadores extranjeros buenos, aunque son pocos los que he visto que bailan la musica. Mi intencion no es ofendere a nadie, y por eso digo de que...

2636  Vamos a rei'rnos en serio Carlos = (1)
Lima & Cecilia (en castellano) Dear List, Estimado Carlos, con tu permiso deseo comentar 2 aspectos de tu email (y si los podes traducir, mejor) . 1) Veo aqui, en Buenos Aires algunos bailarines extranjeros...

2637  How long more (1)
There are two parts to the dance: 1. technical and 2. emotional (the "deep-throated "!Amame!"" from the excellent article in Albuquerque Tribune

2638  Learning to be emotional?? (5)
Oleh: I'd be very careful about using the language "emotional part is much harder to learn." I don't think you can learn the emotional part. I agree completely about being mature enough to not be afraid...

2639  Tango in Switzerland - final words (1)
Dear Petra, Pablo and all other list members, First of all I'd like to thank you for your answers. Even if the debate was a tad too heated, I have recieved enough information to build a picture of Mr....

2640  NY Tango Festival (1)
I posted my review of the festival on Tango A. However, some members asked me to post it to L as well. So here's the report. Wed, July 21 I leave my office in Washington, DC at 3:49 PM and catch Amtrak...

2641  Challenge: How does the tango have meaning for you? (6)
I approach the dance floor as a large blank canvas. The orchestra's rich tango sounds are absorbed, flowing from my concentrating ears into a brain filled with anticipation. The multiple rich layers...

2642  More Missouri Photos (1)
All accounts are true, the Meet in the Middle Weekend Tango Fest in Mt. Vernon Missouri this past weekend was indeed WICKED FUN. Many apparently thought the event was also quite photogenic, myself...

2643  Florid prose (19)
Leonardo Kunkello wrote: "I approach the dance floor as a large blank canvas. The orchestra's rich tango sounds are absorbed, flowing from my concentrating ears into a brain filled with anticipation....

2644  Porque Bailo Tango (4)
When I read Michel's note it reminded me of one I wrote some time ago. Etwas Kitsch. Dance is one of the most primitive forms of art. It expresses our life experiences and our personality in movements...

2645  Tango: An Exercise in Kitsch...? (2)
Yeah, I totally agree with you Bernhard. In fact, tango is kitsch, don't you think? Actually, I should qualify that. What I really mean is that many of the trappings associated with tango are often kitsch.

2646  affordable tango (1)
OK, lets get down from sublime discussions to more earthy issues. We all know that tango is a huge part of our lives and so a pretty expensive affair. I have always wondered what do these 'masters of...

2647  Gil - Lunfardo - Vamos a reirnos en serio... (2)
Cecilia nos dice : "Manuel, aqui, en bsAs, gil quiere decir inocente y desinformado.-Gil y Peregil es aquel que cae victima de su inocencia.- En ese caso, creo que Carlos se refirio paradojicamente a...

2648  Requested new subject - tango and transcedence? (1)
A quote from Alex Grey, in Ken Wilbur's _One Taste_. "The purpose of truly transcendent art is to express something you are not yet, but that you can become." -- Michael Tango Bellingham

2649  Changing Styles (5)
Changing Styles. I’ve been told by two different tango instructors, not under any circumstances should I change my style of tango to accommodate a follower. However, after a couple of months in BsAs,...

2650  More Meet in The Middle Photos from Mt. Vernon, MO (1)
Meet in the Middle TangoFest Aug 6-8, 2004 in Mt Vernon, MO.... feel free to add your own photos! Rick St. Louis Tango Yahoo Group Everything you want...

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