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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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3201  Seduction in tango (4)
--- Trini wrote: What a great image! This is what the typical American couple needs to learn when they begin dancing - to inspire each other. --- astrid wrote: ... The woman can stop the man from moving,

3202  Trend - appreciating dance from within (2)
Aron wrote: I greatly dispise the tendency between milongero/as on the northern hemisphere and also on this list to promote a sort of regressive introvertedness. This is one way to put it. Another way...

3203  Gato y Andrea workshop (1)
Gato y ANDREA April 29 - May 1 Gato and Andrea started dancing together in 1998. They dance...

3204  The woman and the man leading . (5)
Derik says: "To me ...Tango is a conversation, and the great women tango dancers in this dance are the very strong independent females. They fight with me, stop me, move my foot during a "prada"....set...

3205  Rephrasing Recap (1)
From the responses generated in backchannels and on the list, I think tangueras would prefer or, at the very least, wouldnt mind, getting rid of the terms leaders/followers. As Derek pointed out, early

3206  TangoCamp 2005 (1)
In english below TANGOCAMP 2005 Årets version av TangoCamp närmar sig och redan nu är det väldigt många som anmält sig. Närmare 200 redan i början av februrari vilket vi tycker är väldigt kul. Det har...

3207  Tango - whose turn it is to vacuum (1)
I happen to be an avid reader of James Wolcott's blog (if you do not know who James Wolcott is take a look here: - refreshing perspective in exquisite prose). In today's...

3208  VIDEOS of last month's Tango Protesta of Buenos Aires (1)
Most of you are aware of last month's "Tango Protesta" that happened outside Club Villa Malcolm on the night of Jan 21, 2005, when the police closed down the Milonga and the crowd took to the streets...

3209  Tango Is (fill in the blank) ;-) (6)
Tango is a Magazine Tango is all about love. And relationships. And passion and frustration. And bliss and rage and bank accounts; whose turn it is to vacuum and whose turn it is between the sheets....

3210  Milongas of Buenos Aires - reopening (1)
Dear friends from Tango list There is an interesting article at La Nacion newspaper today, about this subject, unfortunately is in spanish

3211  Tango Dialects. (36)
I just got an e-mail from a friend who is spending some time in Spain, and was at a Milonga last night where she was corrected and told that when the man leads an ocho, she should do three, because... Malcolm wrote: Tango dialects can be fairly common, but I think they vary more by teacher rather than geography. For instance, some teachers will teach their students to use... Isn't Argentine tango an _improvised_...

3212  Is Tango Popular in Brazil ? (2)
Is Tango Popular in Brazil ?

3213  Tango is .... (3)
Tango is a new emotion composed of all emotions ! Tango is a shared secret ! Tango is an expression of intertwineing souls ! Tango is the intrument that makes the music alive ! Tango lays bear our inter...

3214  used CD stores in Bs As (1)
Hola Listeros Can you recommend used CD stores in Bs As? Or CD stores with stuff that is no longer in print (used or new). I am going next month. I amd a DJ and over the past year or two I have already...

3215  Interviews with Gavito and Libedinsky (1)
Greetings! I have just finished two interviews. one with Carlos Gavito and another with Carlos Libedinsky from Narcotango. Speaking with Gavito was very difficult because of my own awareness and sensitivity...

3216  Still trying to get back to normal (1)
As it is with all things political in BsAs, the beaurocratic wheels are turning slowly, allowing a milonga or two to reopen each week after the complete shutdown during the month of January. The milongas...

3217  Tango Dialects: cross = mini boleo (1)
I dont lead the cross, but I think it is easier to think of cross as mini front boleo. From the leaders perspective, if you really want to lead a cross: * Lead the front cross, interrupt early, like...

3218  Milonguero, the undesirable individual (3)
Chas wrote: I wonder who were the judges of the character. Cheers, Oleh K. - will be striving to be undesirable next week at Valentango

3219  Tango Dialects) (2)
[...] That sounds very much like something that varies from place to place. I don't remember ever being taught in those terms; whenever teachers taught the cross, I remember them emphasising that it's...

3220  music @ milongas (1)
I have seen occasionaly in Buenos Aires at some milongas, a placard at the entrance, which indicated the types of music to be played that evening, and also the relative proportions. Example: Tango 70%

3221  Enjoying it (1)
Sergio Vandekier wrote: Oh my God, no!!! Not the legs!!! - that way is stright to the very bottom... Are you implying they also might have had sex afterwards? What's next? They could have stooped so low...

3222  More on milongueros, the undesirable individuals (1)
More on milongueros, the undesirable individuals Let's take a look at the artifacts coming from the actual milongueros of the old, not the defamers of the old. What did the milongueros like to dance...

3223  Different Body Positions (1)
Hi One question: I have seen a very different body position in tango dancing today and I wanted to ask what you guys know about it. So far, I have usually seen people dance very straight, kind of "look...

3224  Milongas in Chicago: Tuesday, Wednsday. (1)
Can someone recommend a place to dance in Chicago tomorrow and day after? She has only been dancing for a few months.

3225  Body position-Evolution of Tango (3)
Norbert asks: "Today I have seen people dance with their knees slightly bent, hips forward and upper body almost a bit laid back - very fast moving (potentially) and energetic, but less close...

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