5801 Portland house for rent (1)
I know it's slightly off topic, but if there is anyone interested in renting a beautiful 3 BR house (with hot tub! great for sore feet ladies!) in Portland to come tango, feel free to contact...
5802 Retiring Meet in the Middle (1)
Dear tango friends,
Just so you know, if you were not here, you missed the last Meet in the
Middle Tango Festival in Mt Vernon, Missouri. It was 6 years running, and
this and the last few years, I...
5803 Missing Magic Thread (1)
So, I'm into tango for 20 years. I swear I'm starting to get it! ;-)
At least, I can't help but feeling things are being revealed. That's why
I'm always on my knees ... a lot going on that one...
5804 TANGO 2000 ............For DUMMIES (33)
Lesson 1 Nuevo Tango
The challenge: Argentine Tango is forever changing and evolving and that?s
a good thing. I admire the younger generation for it?s Nuevo Tango and all...
5805 Navigation abuse (1)
[Thesis on personal space deleted.]
Sorry, Aron, I think you need to consider the fact that you're the one
not getting it (and perhaps therefore unconsciously practising this
behaviour too?). The phenomenon...
5806 Tango 2000 for dummies (2)
The title of this thread is correct and descriptive.
It is very simple, when the floor is crowded, it does not matter what tango style you dance you have to keep your dancing very compact,adjust to...
5807 How to Defeat Kung Fu Tandas (1)
Kung Fu Tanda by Gustavo Naveira comes to mind
How to Defeat Kung Fu Tandas
Passive Aggressive Tanda a subtle way to defeat the common...
5808 Can't we all get along /Was TANGO 2000 ...For (1)
I agree with Trini. A Washington organizer was hounded to play more
alternative music at milongas. But he's a traditionalist and resisted. It
got so bad he sent a message asking for responses...
5809 Tango 2000....for dummies (3)
Reading the different posts on this subject...
It seems that is clear that traditional tango dancers are happy with their milongas, if they ever go to another milonga they adjust to the rules and characteristics...
5810 Missing Magic, UNESCO declaration (2)
In response to my largely rhetorical question between international
interests in Tango vs. local Buenos Aires Tango interests:
paraphrase) that foreign wealth and a "convert's enthusiasm" may very...
5811 So what is authentic Argentine tango? (5)
(Resent, because this borrowed computer had Rich Text as a default)
Reading the further postings on Tango 2000... for Dummies and the off list emails I have recieved, raises the suggestion that, the...
5812 Tango NAZI- STYLE POLICE (2)
This is a reply to Social Tango rules and Milonga regulations
if you follow these regulatory "Tango-Nazi"? suggestions
- Tango will STAY underground, no new people will come
- Tango will be danced...
5813 Milonga Rules, Nazism, and the Preservation of (2)
Tango Culture
I realize this was said in jest. What I cannot understand is why some dancers object to trying to recreate Argentine tango culture outside Argentina. Tango is not only the dance, it...
5814 Just do it (2)
It amuses me that some people seem to think that diversity in tango will die if milongas aren't separated. That's like saying that heart surgeons should attend conferences for general practitioners...
5815 natural separation (1)
Simply, the community is not large enough to support separate
traditional/nuevo milongas. Also, for an average milonga attendance of
40-60 people (Budapest), there are over a dozen people who do...
5816 No place left to dance (10)
I've been to Denver twice, in 2004 and 2005, and to San Diego in 2007 (same festival concept). Navigation was pretty good in Denver the times I went, but some of the locals in San Diego didn't realize...
5817 1800+ posts on nuevo since 2003 on Tango-L (1)
It will never end!!!
A few hours more trawling on Tango L has brought this classic:
?It would be helpful to tango event promoters outside Argentina to be clear in advertising if their events are designed...
5818 Denver Festival Milonga Floor Metrics Contribute to (4)
Lane Formation
Tom wrote:
"As the organizer for the Denver & San Diego festivals, I can reassure
you that the concept of festivals for social dancing remains: "By
Dancers; for Dancers". The milongas...
5819 ?C?digo -- historia? (10)
With all the conversation about c?digos -- where did they start, how did
they evolve?
Certainly not in the saloons, brothels, streets, ... At the
barrio/cultural association dances where tango was...
5820 Tango to SLOW waltz? (4)
I was surprised a while back by a beautiful tango sounding slow waltz
played by a guest DJ from Argentina. Instrumentation definitely had a
Buenos tango quality, but it wasn't really tango in my mind...
5821 Codigos ?...historia? (4)
I just found something about "Cortinas" their origin which I wrote in 2001.
c.roques@mchsi.com wrote:
This whole situation can be avoided by the male engaging in...
5822 Tango in Toulouse--Part 6 (1)
Tango in Toulouse--Part 6
Le Bikini Ramonville
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Janet, Robert, and I get lost on the highway again, trying to find "Le Bikini." You'd think our misadventures arriving here...
5823 Tango in Toulouse--Part 7 (1)
Tango in Toulouse--Part 7
Le Bikini Ramonville
Sunday, July 5, 2009
12:30 AM
The fashion show and performances are over. The DJ is at work again. Robert has gone off and found someone to dance with....
5824 Milonga "Codigos" (1)
This term has been bandied about a lot. It doesn't help that the word
"codigo" (code), while used in the sense of "social codes," nonetheless
conjures up connotations of mystery and secrecy. I much...
5825 Tango Waltz (2)
Regarding slow tango waltz, Mary Menz alerted me to A Las Cinco de la Girlada
Thanks Mary!
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