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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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4151  please take me off the list (1)
Hi, Will you please take me off of the list please. thanks, leda Leda Elliott

4152  "Por H o por B" (2)
Dear friends, "Por H o por B"' - In Argentina the H and the B in this very popular expression stand for anything you may wish to substitute the letters for. In some way the X and the Y...

4153  Need a translation for a song. (1)
I really love this song, have been wondering about what the words say and can not find a translation any where. Just looking for a good translation. Thank you in advance, David~

4154  How to dance milonga? (3)
Talking about the milonga, there are some questions I've been wandering for a while. I'm sure everyone have experienced that they can connect and dance well with some partner but not with others, and...

4155  Fwd: Rejected posting to TANGO-L@MITVMA.MIT.EDU (1)

4156  Interesting question: Deal or no deal (3)
Yesterday, I saw an adaption of Goethe's Faust in Washington, DC. For those unfamilar with the story, Dr. Faustus, an old scholar, makes a pact with the devil, signed in blood, for youth so that he can...

4157  Art history of love at Times (8),,25351-2141795,00.html A bit of a tango book criticism in the Times...and a bit of Russian Czardas with it... I wonder how that looks like. Probably like the...

4158  milonga sin humo (2)
I visited the _Sabor_a_Tango_ theater Saturday night (actually Sunday early a.m.) for the _Bien_Pulenta_ milonga that is advertised as Buenos Aires' first milonga "sin humo." Nice change of pace! My...

4159  ADMIN: Update on Tango-L and Tango-A move (will happen in the next 24 hours or so!) (2)
The previously announced move of Tango-L and Tango-A to a new server will probably happen in the next 24 hours. Here is a summary of what you should expect: 1. You may keep sending e-mail to 24 hours or so!) The previously announced move of Tango-L and Tango-A to a new server will probably happen in the next 24 hours. Here is a summary of what you should expect: 1. You may keep sending e-mail...

4160  A criticism of the criticism of "TANGO: The Art History of Love" at the Times Online (2)
Aron ECSEDY wrote: >,,25351-2141795,00.html Mr. Aron links to a review of Robert Farris Thompson's superb "Tango:the Art History of Love", in which Anthony Howell...

4161  A criticism of the criticism of "TANGO: The Art History of Love... (1)
I am sorry; I think many are missing the point or points. 1. Thompson's book is good and enlightening, and not the least thought provoking, but he has a clear agenda, and he has a tendency to overemphasis...

4162  [TANGO-L] The origins of the word tango/ (1)
LATITUDES SPANISH COURSES IN BA Having music on a website which comes on automatically is not only poor coding, but bad form, in my opinion. Regards Ralph

4163  [TANGO-L] A criticism of the criticism of (1)
"TANGO: The Art History of Love... Bill King wrote: I suppose you could also say he has a clear agenda, but he also an art historian specializing in the impact of African culture on Europe and the Americas,...

4164  ADMIN: PLEASE READ! Tango-L and Tango-A have been (1)
moved The Tango-L and Tango-A lists have been moved to the Mailman list management software. Please visit for instructions on unsubscribing, changing your settings, etc.

4165  ADMIN: Here's something you should not do ... (1)
This is a test of mail sent to the address (instead of just to test the forwarding. Please get used to using and (without the "mitvma" part)...

SLOW DANCE POEM This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital. It was sent by a medical doctor - SLOW DANCE Have you ever watched kids On a merry-go-round? Or listened to...

4167  [TANGO-L] Website Bad Form (1)
Video on a website which comes on automatically is also bad form. Especially on the index page!!!

4168  Accessing tango larchives (1)
I note that with the new system for Tango L, there is an archives kept by the list (from April 25, 2006 on only). When I tried to access it, it was password protected. Does anyone know how to...

4169  Where can I find more Milonga at milongas? (21)
I am interested in finding out about cities, locations, festivals, particularly near US-NE but happy to hear about any location, where Milonga is played and danced more frequently at milongas. Where...

4170  "Stay away from self appointed tango teachers." (17)
Re:Public Service Announcement (2nd Law) How about another suggestion - ask a person whose dancing you admire *where they learned*. Especially if you are not a professional dancer who can pick up dances...

4171  Tango Holidays? (1)
Hello list, I was wondering if some of you could give me advice on where to find info about tango holidays in Europe that are devoted to Milonguero style. Trying to come up with ideas for the summer...

4172  What do you want from tango (3)
There's been quite a bit of writing about dancers not taking classes to improve. Some have written women don't want to take classes. Others say its men. We really need to step away from the gender...

4173  Translation of Tango Part # 3 (1)
The origins of the word tango/ LATITUDES SPANISH COURSES IN BA Dear Members this is the last delivery of the origins of the word tango. When in BA consult us for Spanish Courses at

4174  You lead I follow (1)
OK, here I am again your tango big mouth from Buenos Aires... Pray tell me Gabriel...if the man does not lead, how am I suppose to follow? Or is it as one confused gentlemen told me in San Francisco...

4175  Historic Footage: Geraldine Rojas at age 13 with (1)
Andres Amarilla When Andres Amarilla was 17, he partnered with Geraldine Rojas (then age 13) for a year. Together, they performed over 20 times at Buenos Aires milongas, including Sunderland, Akarence,...

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