4176 Forward Ochos (1)
If you cannot do a forward ocho in close embrace it is because your
posture is not correct. You are blocking the woman from moving forward
with your body. If she has bad posture as well, then she...
4177 Argentines are really great (2)
How long are you going to flog that dead horse, Derik? There are
millions of Argentines including MANY who can't dance a lick. Others who
dance very well didn't start until later than 6. Still others...
4178 Iyengar Yoga in BsAs (1)
Sorry for sending this to the list, however it may be of interest to others
as well as Rick Jones whose email address I have managed to lose.
Hi Rick, my partner has found this Yoga place and highly...
4179 "Stay away from Derek (self appointed tango (2)
I'd love to give you a break! Your arrogance is only exceeded by your ignorance of close embrace. Changing the embrace? Why would I want to do that? The embrace is like two batteries...
4180 Always close embrace I (5)
Derik says:
"The problem I have with the "close embrace all the
time" people is ignorance, and then them trying to
spread that ignorance around, by promoting their own
inexperienced teachers. If the...
4181 "Inexperience tango teachers, stay away from (14)
Derik, a consumer who knows BS when he hears it!
Dear Michael:
Why does it not surprise me that you have never heard
of the expression.
"I've never heard "The embrace opens and closes like
a bandondeon.""
4182 Sandbox (1)
If I want to show everyone the person I criticize is wrong I definitely
won't start it by acting in the same manner.
I think it is no-one's list. This is a list about and for tango.
Most of the people...
4183 [TANGO-L] Desperate to learn, no teachers here. (3)
Please help -
I have yet to find a video or DVD that could be really useful to
beginning dancers; a good 2-hour video could address walking,
lead/follow, the embrace (with variations), a salida,...
4184 Milongueros celebrate birthdays in May (2)
Ernesto Hector Garcia -- May 8, 1936 -- 70
He's better known as El Flaco Dany and could be called the Fred Astaire of
Buenos Aires. Dany is one of the handful of milongueros who teach. Carlos
4185 2? worth from a beginner (3)
I have been taking A Tango lessons for about three months and
monitoring the list for for the same time. What a valuable resource
the list is for new dancers. However, this has been my experience...
4186 Basta Ya! (3)
Can we stop beating Derek up? I along with probably the people who
email me off this list are sick of hearing about this topic. Dance
whatever you want, where you want how you want with who you...
4187 why i love nyc (1)
michael ditkoff wrote: I've never heard "The embrace opens and closes
like a bandondeon." WRONG!! My heart opens and closes like a bandeneon,
not the embrace. Sometimes I can also feel her heart pounding....
4188 Tango Argentino Toolbar for Firefox Browser users (1)
As Firefox users know, the browser uses Extensions, which modify and
fine tune the functionality of the browser. Someone just came up with an
extension which installs a toolbar called "Tango Argentino...
4189 Andres & Geraldine for Quicktime (2)
Hi everyone,
Some people were having trouble viewing the .mp4 of Andres & Geraldine
that I posted a couple days ago. The video is now available as an
.mov that will play in Quicktime. The file...
4190 Andres Amarilla in close embrace (7)
Meredith says:
" Some people were having trouble viewing the .mp4 of Andres & Geraldine
that I posted a couple days ago. The video is now available as an
.mov that will play in Quicktime. The file...
4191 Andres Amarilla - a demo of Phlegmatic Tango.. (1)
This is not Show Tango, it is Phlegmatic Tango...
SHOW tango doesn't interest me.
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4192 I am going to Denver! (2)
Quite a few people asked me if I am going to Memorial Day Tango Festival in
I am going (Fri-Mon), just booked the tickets, and I am very excited about
It is my pleasure to meet you there!
4193 milongueras birthdays (1)
Well mine is in May..but then maybe I am not old enough to be a
milonguera...(a joke ok you guys...you all have different perceptions of
this word.) But I will be celebrating my birthday in a milonga...
4194 Social tango definition (8)
Dear Sergo:
Your definition of social tango sounds perfectly
reasonable. The convoluted definitions of Michael and
others are not.
4195 I guess there will be no video with Michael (1)
from D.C....lol.
Dear Trini:
I guess there will be no video with Michael from
"Perhaps you should address it first in your own
community instead of in an international forum."
With all...
4196 Correction to Michael's comment on Denver dance (1)
I need to correct something in Michael's comments about the dance
floors at the Denver Tango Festivals.
Only the Friday night milonga is in a crowded night club setting
where it may be "difficult...
4197 going to Barcelona (1)
I need to know if there are any tangohouse in Barcelona, I will be there on
may ll for one week.
may be we can exchange a place with my tango house in Buenos Aires.
Maria Teresa Lopez
4198 Argentines born for tango (5)
Dear friends from tango list
Once again I have to make some rough numbers for your enlightnement.
1) Buenos Aires is a citiy with 2 million inhabitants and 3 million people that come to work from...
4199 Desperate to learn, no teachers here. Please help (1)
I have yet to find a video or DVD that could be really useful to
beginning dancers; a good 2-hour video could address walking,
lead/follow, the embrace (with variations), a salida, cadencias,
4200 Judicious editing (1)
Those who have complained about the length of some nuevo songs express
sentiments many of us feel.
I have no compunction about taking out a minute or two (sometimes even
more - but sometimes 30 seconds...
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