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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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5626  La Viruta, Definition of Milonga (3)
I think I remember seeing this on their flyer also. However, on their "baile" page on their website, notwithstanding the use of only the words "baile"...

5627  milonga fights (1)
I didn't witness this fight, it happened right after I left for a party but there was a big fight on the dance floor at Maipu 444 (Saturday night milonga). It didn't really surprise me to hear about...

5628  Hubris and tango (3)
I find it amazing that someone would go to Argentina with such a culturally arrogant attitude that instead of using the experience to put their own dancing in perspective or try to learn something...

5629  Beware criticizing a Porte?o's Tango (3)
There is an old joke in Argentina: "How do you make a quick buck in Argentina? Buy a porte?o for what he's worth, and sell him for what he says he's worth." Truth and reason have never gotten in the...

5630  Less and less Milongas (song) (1)
I just finished taking a workshop with an Argentine (close embrace Milonguero) instructor who travels the world teaching. He commented that in places where the quality of dance is getting good, they...

5631  The demise of Tango (11)
"And any "connection advantage" that a porte?o has from his understanding of traditional Tango music, the lyrics, the cultural context, etc., is negated when one is talking about nuevo tango music,...

5632  Argentines More Relaxed About Tango (1)
When I penned (keyed???) the Argentines vs. Americans message I was in mischief mode, at least the part where I said Americans are better tango dancers than Argentines. Actually I neither know nor...

5633  Frankie Manning, r.i.p. (3)
No, this isn't about tango but about a great dancer nonetheless. For many of us "older" tango dancers, swing was our first dance. My first tango teaching job was at Sandra Cameron Dance Center...

5634  Kely Langman (Posadas) passes away in Buenos Aires (3)
I regret to inform you that Kely Langman, known throughout the Tango world as part of the former partnership of "Facundo & Kely Posadas," passed away during last Sunday night (26/27 April 2009)....

5635  Aerials in social dancing (2)
And yet people do aerials socially. As a worst case example: on my first tango trip to BsAs, in 1996, there was a couple from the western US who, during a swing tanda at a milonga, did several aerials...

5636  Line of Dance in BA (6)
I read somebody's blog about explaining the rules at a milonga. Here's the link. When is the last time you went to a milonga where somebody explained the "traffic rules?" The blog pointed out that...

5637  2009 CMS Argentine Tango Institute (1)
that the deadline for applications for the 2009 July CMS for instrumentalists is the end of May. For those who don't know the details, a short quote: "The CMS Tango Institute will intersect tango...

5638  an Enlightened Curriculum (1)
Watching this couple dance and then viewing the points of importance in their teaching.

5639  Preliminary Review of "Loca! Milonga" (Palermo (1)
Soho, Buenos Aires) Just found out about this new milonga, that has opened a couple of months ago in Palermo Soho, called "Loca! Milonga," so I went last night to check it out. Since I got there about...

5640  How many figures do you need? (28)
I enjoyed my vacation in BA even though some tried to tell me what to do. I observed that the Argentines use the following figures: Back ocho Low Boleo Walking Ocho Cortado Giros (called molinetes north...

5641  How many figures... (1)
Hi Joe and all! Yep. I mean that. Someone can be a good dancer with a very limited repertoire, but, as I said: "If you are furthermore able to communicate a shift of weight in place, a sidestep and...

5642  1000 sacadas? More like 48. Was - how many figures (14)
Sergey says a friend of his came up with 1000 sacadas? Please show them to me. Here is my analysis: Lets start with leader doing sac to follower. There are only 3 steps involving full weight shift ...

5643  Lots of questions (8)
Pat Petronio writes: What is good quality movement? What is bad quality movement? How can you tell if your own movement is high quality or low? Can people be trained to do this? If so, how do you...

5644  side sacada (7)
Damian wrote: So, you don't consider a side sacada a sacada?? It is a sacada, but not a separate sacada for purposes of structural classification; It is a subset of an open front sacada, merely done

5645  There are no side steps (4)
Sorry I did not reply to Damian and jack last Thursday post sooner, I was in Montreal for the fest. Jack Dylan quoted Damian, and said, Another thing - everyone seems to agree on the mantra ...there...

5646  Jay Rabe, side steps as a subset of open steps (2)
"side step" is simply one type of open step. However clearly not all open steps are side steps, so IMO it's valuable to discuss the properties and use of side steps as a special case of open steps.

5647 @ facebook (1)
Hi all, you can become a fan of at facebook: This way you can learn about important updates to the site. Event data is currently not so...

5648  Beautiful quote (3)
I found this quote on the Simbatango blog: ?When a man walks nicely, the woman dies in his embrace. ?When a man walks badly, the woman wants to die. HT: yy from ? Dancing for the woman, Walk Michael

5649  Malambo II (4)
Those that would like more information about malambo, and read about the difference between the northern and southern forms of the dance can see a web page sent to me by a friend. (Susan).

5650  Gaucho Trousers, bombachas, lezginka and malambo. (1)
Sergei says "Funny how an Argentinian gaucho dance resembles the Caucasian lezginka (for example, here: ) so much." I personally think that the music and...

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