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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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1176  Complex rythms? (3)
Carlos Lima wrote: I would not dismis it so easily. Sometimes it can be quite helpfull. My following comments do not apply to people who lack control of their body, which can be a alternative cause of...

1177  The difference between tango and the other social dances (1)
Hi everyone, The subjects that have been going on lately about rythm, music, students stopping etc. were very interesting. I would like to share with you a new thought hoping that it will "cross-fertilise"...

1178  SA: Room to rent in sunny apartment in Buenos Aires (1)
Rent a room in a shared apartment in Barrio Boedo of Buenos Aires. -Close to the subway with many buses nearby. -Supermarket across the street(banks and laundry nearby) ...

1179  Hugo Diaz en Buenos Aires (1)
I hate to interrupt the really good discussion so far, but for what it's worth, if anyone is looking for "Hugo Diaz en Buenos Aires," there is a website that sells it as a vinyl LP. At least I *think*...

1180  never mind... (1)
...the versions I presented are NOT released by Santuario del Tango Victor (Japan), so I think they are probably not the same. Sorry about that, ATN

1181  Complex rhythms (afterthought) (2)
An afterthought on the "stepping on the beat" issue. In the private channel someone said ... This is slightly less precise but far more intuitive, than what I have proposed: weight dividing equally on...

1182  Music Inquiry (1)
I am looking for a 1956 (?) recording of Osvaldo Fresedo's orchestra with none other than Dizzy Gillespie as a guest star; a novelty item at best, but with an interesting rendition of "Vida Mia". Have

1183  Newsletter The TANGO Capital (Abril 2003) (1)
The TANGO Capital Newsletter Hola Tango Friends, Hello Tango Partners, We welcome you to the April edition of our Newsletter with the hope that your tango life is ever more fulfilling and inspired....

1184  Julian Plaza 1928 - 2003 (1)
The wonderful bandoneónist, pianist, arranger, composer and leader of Sexteto Tango Julian Plaza died on Saturday. His Danzarín and Payadora and arrangements for Troilo and Pugliese are towering monuments...

1185  Tango Capital Newsletter (3)
Karen Corriea & Julio Corazza, The Tango-L is not an appropriate forum for your newsletter. Aside from being excessively lengthy, a major transgression in itself, the contents are of interest mostly...

1186  Movie critics (1)
Here's what Roger Ebert wrote in his review of the "Assassination Tango" in the Chicago Sun-Times on April 4, 2003: "The tango is a dance in which partners join in meticulously rehearsed passion, with...

1187  Tango Travel in Packs (4)
A batch of Denver people just returned from Buenos Aires. There is something about the shared excitement that makes those of us stuck behind feel really jealous, despite getting some vicarious enjoyment

1188  hijacking the lead and the first & last steps (1)
Last week, I heard a milonguera explain how she changes directions or pauses when she wants to. I lead her to demonstrate how she pauses; I felt it. Amanda Lucero, who has been dancing tango for 50...

1189  Ballroom and Tango (9)
Stephen Brown wrote: <<<I have come to believe believe that the Argentine tango and ballroom communities are essentially separate/incompatible communities that attract different people. Very...

1190  Sitting at Milongas [Your opinion ?] (5)
Dear Tangero and Tangeras, I have observed that lot's of single people doesn't enjoy attending Milongas, as they often felt left on the side. A lady was mentioning to me : couples and only stay with their...

1191  Duvall is a good ambassador of tango (1)
Good evening Mr. Cstilllo talks like someone on his P.M.S. I rather liked the movie very much. Certainly, there is not a lot of tango dancing a lot less than TANGO LESSON. The storyline is not like an Holliwood...

1192  movie review - 4.5 stars (1)
I give this review 4 and one half stars. The only part I disagree with is that this is a "conclusion to Robert Duvall's extraordinary film career." I hope that Mr. Duvall continues to act and direct,...

1193  Seattle Tango Dancers Evan & Michelle now Microsoft Plus! Dancers (1)
Fellow Tango devotees, Congratulations and thanks to Evan Wallace & MIchelle Badion of Seattle for bringing some very nice tango to the lower left of my WindowsXP computer screen on a continuous...

1194  Tribute to Daniel Trenner (4)
Last Saturday I received my "Bridge to the Tango" catalogue. At least I thought it was "Bridge to the Tango." It has a new name. I open it up and see that there has been a change in management. Without...

1195  NA-E: Any milongas in Bermuda? (1)
We don't need to be insulted when we are simply requesting some information, neither do we need a geography lesson. For your information, Tanguero Productions is based on the West Coast of the United...

1196  NA-W: Any milongas in Bermuda? (1)
that take our breath away.

1197  Same sex dancing together (10)
Michael wrote in his tribute to Daniel Trenner: He was a proponent of same sex partners in classes and students should learn the other half, i.e. men learn how to follow and women learn to lead. I admit...

1198  Same sex dancing partner. (7)
"In any case, people dance tango for different reasons and that should be respected, as long as it's consensual." Funny thought: Can dancing tango with somebody ever be nonconsensual? Is there such... Just want to respond to Astrid from her...

1199  Homage epilogue (1)
I just run into the latest tango catalogue, the one started by Daniel Trenner and his collaborators several years back, where the video documentation of tango masters is listed, among a lot of other...

1200  Gender Dancing (1)
interpretation, musicality, connection and passion which depends on the romantic and passionate feelings between a man and a woman.< If that is the case, I guess I must first develop romantic and passionate

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