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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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4726  The ZVI MIGDAL group (26)
Hector, Why did your group of musicians name itself after an infamous white slavery organization, the "Zvi Migdal" that kidnapped and smuggled girls from Europe to Argentina and the South America... Lucia escribi?:Their name is thought-provoking and... If a band has a passionate issue they believe in, and they spend time/money resolving/promoting...

4727  Milongas (or Practicas) in Denver (6)
On Jan 26, 2007, at 2:55 PM, Chris, UK wrote: >> The question is: "What REALLY is a milonga and what REALLY is a practice?". One big clue: It is NOT necessarily about the label...

4728  cintura (3)
Do not confuse the movement of the cintura (waist) with movement of the hips. Cintura is what Geraldine rotates not hips. This is also referred to as isolation of the upper body or disassociation.... It seems to me that Janis was referring to by "swinging butt" is a special move during ocho cortado. We've discussed it....

4729  Judging Level (2)
What about judging level on how many shoes a dancer completely weared out? Igor.

4730  sanitized tango (1)
Hi, In response to Jake's comments on the thread the zvi migdal society: My reply: Without a broader understanding of the dance upbringings and how they relate to the dance, then you will be accepting...

4731  ABBA? (3)
David - Need help decrypting your message Lucia You have to dig deeper and get right down to a band and name that emulates "notorious". ABBA.....

4732  Fisking Chris and Neil (4)
On Jan 26, 2007, at 11:46 PM, Tango Tango wrote: Neil, This is simply not true. Most people in the US treat tango as a way to get out, meet people, have some fun. Most spend one or two nights per week,...

4733  BsAs in March (1)
Every year Joanne and I go to BsAs and we like to hook up with a many people Joanne and I will be in BsAs March 23 thru April 6 and would like to meet any one from the US. We will be stay two blocks...

4734  A new milonga (2)
Hi! I wrote a milonga. Hope you enjoy it. Slower version: Faster version: As always, any and all comments,...

4735  Bravo Nina! (2)
Nina, Great explanation about the cultural differences from one who has lived on both sides. You too Neil. Deb

4736  unscribe from your mail list (1)
Please, do not send me more e-mails to this address, I will subscribe to a new one soon. Thanks. David Alsina Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tools, free...

4737  Zwi Migdal (2)
By the way, after the band played here, a book began circulating (I'm still waiting my turn) about Zwi Migdal. Here's what I can recall from what the owner of the book summarized for me. The book was...

4738  What's the difference between a tango and a (6)
milonga? I pose this question to the musicians on this mailing list. The difference isn't speed. If it were, then all the tangos that Roberto Firpo played became milongas. (He played them really fast.)...

4739  Help... historic footage (11)
Lesley Here a delightful clip: Jorge Finkielman writes - The clip here belongs to a film called "Con la m?sica en el alma" from 1951. This was the last film...

4740  Offensive band names (2)
Hey Debi; I was at a place having a beer, jotting a few ideas down and they played DKs "Kill, Kill, Kill the boy" and then played Sex pistols "Anarchy". I was never really a Punk kid (you know what I...

4741  Sandra Bullock "Kiss & Tango" (2)
7b0b1adba3694bab122ec Bullock dances with 'Tango' pic By Brian Byrnes and Nicole Sperling Jan 11, 2007 Sandra Bullock has...

4742  Need names of great but inexpensive tango teachers (3)
in Buenos Aires! Hello Tango-L: I am leaving very soon to B.A., Feb.5 and desperately need names and addresses for great tango teachers (intermediate level) for private lessons. I know the top name teachers...

4743  Killer Shoes (1)
The February issue of O The Oprah Magazine has an interesting article entitled, Killer Shoes That Won't Kill Your Feet, with a New York podiatrist who evaluated 525 pairs of shoes. It has good information...

4744  dance kinesiology book (2)
Hi listeros, I am so excited about a book I bought recently that I thought I'd tell folks about it. It's Dance Kinesiology by Sally Sevey Fitt, 2nd ed. (1996).

4745  Sanish Courses in Buenos Aires (1)
Hi to everyone. Coming to Buenos Aires in March. Maximize your stay and take a Spanish Course with Latitud Tango. Discounts over 60 hours of enrollment. Visit our website and

4746  A Pickpockets History of Argentine Tango (3)
It is a good article, with feeling, and good understanding of history ( not without historical questions though, as I can see ). People lived like that everywhere, Trini, in 19 century and beginning... Also, I would Lyrics...

4747  Tango World Championship (25)
Is there a reason that not one couple from North America (US or Canada) was represented in either the social or performance categories of the "Mundial" in Buenos Aires in 2006?

4748  Latitud Tango/ A little of Anibal Carmelo Troilo (1)
Su casa natal de la calle Cabrera. El primer bandone?n que nunca termin? de pagar. El debut a los 11 a?os. Su formaci?n. La relaci?n con Zita. Y una trayectoria insuperable. Mariano del Mazo var...

4749  LatitudTango /Spanish Courses in BA/ on some tango (1)
terminology SOBRE ALGUNOS T?RMINOS TANGUEROS Por Eduardo Rub?n Bernal ...

4750  I'll host you for the Boston festival, can you host (1)
me for any of the major US/Canada festivals? I'll host you for the Boston festival, can you host me for any of the major US/Canada festivals? In an effort to lower the damage tango inflicts on my finances,...

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